Thank you for your interest in First class floor Care.
My Son Ryan and I started our cleaning and restoration business by purchasing carpet and upholstery cleaning franchise in 2001 this company specialized in low moisture bonnet carpet cleaning. There cleaning method is known as top surface maintenance service where your carpets dry in 1-2 hours. The downside of their cleaning method was the major carpet mills recommend HWE Truck mounted steam cleaning which the franchise method could cause a customer’s warranty to be voided. I also had a limited territory and their franchise fees and cleaning products were going up each year. Once my contract expired I felt I could better serve my customers by starting First class floor care.
I immediately purchase a truck mounted HWE and added tile & grout cleaning, natural Stone cleaning & restoration and VCT services. This change also allowed us to purchase the newest cleaning solutions & best equipment on the market and we were able to continue our education on the latest technology available.
Our company motto is a company you can trust! We always strive to meet your expectations so once we finish your project you become a cheerleader of First Class Floor Care.